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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

My Distinctive Holiday Season

My Distinctive Holiday Season

              Holiday Season is a much awaited season every year where everyone is so excited to meet their family relatives, cooked delicious foods, party everywhere and also a perfect time for family bonding where you could gave gifts or even exchange gifts from the one you love. Holiday season is expected to be the happiest season that can happen only once a year for it has 13th month pay for workers and a long vacation for students. It is also a time for forgiveness, sharing, and thanksgiving for the years blessings to the family.

              Holiday season for happy and complete family as a gift that could be treasured, valued and spent time to celebrate it joyously. But for an incomplete family, holiday season was much more different compare to the complete family. Like what happened to my last Christmas and new year instead of being happy because its holiday season. I felt so different that every time  I smiled at the people's happiness but as the wind blew to my face, my smile was also fading and turned into tears.

               I don't know why I felt this kind of feeling actually we still celebrated Christmas  but in my aunt's house. We were happy and greeted my grandparents "Merry Christmas" but all of the sudden our smiles again turned into tears when my grandfather said "I thought you would not come, we waited you morning til evening!" He can't control his feelings anymore and cried too much and we felt very sorry for not coming there early and as we go home. I can still remember the pain and hope of my grandparents for they expected too much from us. I sat on the table opened my Facebook account and watched the pictures of my friends on how they celebrated Christmas. They were so happy because they were together and ate their Mega Noche while my mother was trying to contact my father who was working as a fisherman in Indonesia. As I got my chance to talk to my father, I pretended to be jolly so that he could not feel that I felt the opposite way, he said he missed us so much and he was working and sacrificing for our own good future and honestly I wanted to cry but I tried to hide my feelings because I don't want to cry for it is Christmas. I should be happy for it is only celebrated once a year and after I've watched the fireworks, I went to my bed, sleep, think and hope that tomorrow will still be the happiest holiday season for me.

                 While my New Year was still the same, simple and usual day, we went to church prayed and thanked God for another year had surpassed and we're still alive and looking forward. Sometimes I think that holiday season is not good for an incomplete family because whatever positive thoughts you have, you have, you know that deep inside you is different from what you wanted to feel. You are happy and all of the sudden you feel sad and teary where you have a dual personality because you think for good then after a while you think bad things. But whatever holiday season that you have still be thankful because you still belong to the 85 % of the people in the world who are much more lucky to have roofs, food in their tables, good relationships towards others and still inhaling the FREE air. -Reader's Digest

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Mr Parr
Tune of " Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen
Its transfer oxygen, food
Collects waste, travels it moves
The bloods its moving in tubes
And now it circulates

The heart is an organ which 
Never gets tired or quits
Into four parts it is split
Blood it will circulate

The blood is moving
In, out chambers flowing
Top two same for lower
Where you think its going baby

Heart, upper part-two
And they're called atria
Ventricles lower

Blood's made of red 'n white
Cells and platelets
Floating in plasma

In vessels, blood moves
Away arteries 
Capillaries smaller

Blood divides into four 
Groups A, O, B
AB together

Your blood is made up of cells
Plasma then platelets so small
Heal wounds, fights germs, that's not all
Controls your temperature

Blood flows from the arteries
To smaller capillaries
Their walls they are one cell  thick
Pass fluid tissue

Your body is clotting
Ripped jeans, skin is bleeding
Clot right threads of fibrin
Where it prevents germs entering

Heart, upper part-two
And they're called atria
Ventricles lower

Blood's made of red 'n white
Cells and platelets
Floating in plasma

In vessels, blood moves
Away arteries 
Capillaries smaller

Blood divides into four 
Groups A, O, B
AB together

Blood passes through the heart twice
Pumped from right side
Heart to the lungs sacs
Picks up fresh oxygen

Blood returns to the left side 
Pumped to body
And you should know that
It gives it oxygen

Blood's made of red 'n white
Cells and platelets
Floating in plasma

In vessels, blood moves
Away arteries 
Capillaries smaller

Blood divides into four 
Groups A, O, B
AB together

Blood passes through the heart twice
Pumped from right side
Heart to the lungs sacs
Picks up fresh oxygen

Blood returns to the left side 
Pumped to body
And you should know that